Reasons to vote for Rep. Tom Reed, if you must



With higher-than-average poverty rates across the country and in our own backyard, how do we address this growing challenge? The answer is simple: We must aggressively pursue an agenda of opportunity. –Rep. Tom Reed

“Republican Rep. Tom Reed nearly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory last time.”–Nathan L. Gonzales, Rothenberg Political Report

Reasons to vote for Rep. Tom Reed, if you must.

  1. You are a RINO.
  2. You are Tom’s sister Mary or another family member.
  3. You are a conservative who believes Tom shares your views.
  4. You believe Social Security is unnecessary and unsustainable.
  5. An “agenda of opportunity” sounds good to you.
  6. You hope Tom’s idea of “real tax reform” will lower your taxes.
  7. You are invested in the special interests Tom favors.
  8. You believe people don’t need health care if they can’t afford it.
  9. You believe Tom will save the government from going broke.
  10. You believe introducing a doomed bill in the House is worthwhile.
  11. You believe rescinding regulations and cutting business taxes creates jobs.
  12. You believe private charity cures poverty.
  13. You believe Tom likes to hunt and fish.

© William Hungerford – July 2014


About whungerford

* Contributor at where we discuss the politics, economics, and events of the New New York 23rd Congressional District (Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chemung, (Eastern) Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben,Tioga, Tompkins, and Yates Counties) Please visit and comment on whatever strikes your fancy.
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15 Responses to Reasons to vote for Rep. Tom Reed, if you must

  1. Anne says:

    Also, if you suffer from this (delusional) optimism:


  2. whungerford says:

    I found that program very interesting–perhaps we really do believe that if Congress does nothing but rename post offices everything will get better and we all will be winners.


  3. Deb Meeker says:

    It’s interesting anyone would consider Tom Reed a RINO. Consevapedia defines a “RINO” as:
    “.. (Republican in Name Only) is an officeholder or candidate who is a member of the Republican Party, but holds views to the political left of most Republican voters, or simply does whatever the liberal media wants. The term “RINO” describes politicians who claim to be Republican but are in fact liberal or puppets of the liberal media, and therefore generally debase the winning conservative coalition base of the Republican Party.”

    In fact, Tom Reed doesn’t seem to stand for any specific party platform that can be defined. He appears to be a pretty good mime version of a chameleon. Changing political colors to attain maximum approval from whatever environment in which he finds himself. As the chameleon has achieved a high level of camouflage, by blending within any environ; the most colorful we ever see Tom Reed get – is to “agree to disagree”, therefore always eluding the need to explain or defend his votes. And, as the many questions of his ethics appear, he slithers away, chameleon-like, to pop up in a new environ, blending in with the background there.


  4. whungerford says:

    Tom’s Freedom Works score puts him as close to Nancy Pelosi as to Rep. Raúl Labrador. Tom’s votes, if not his talk, are much more moderate than the average Republican’s.


  5. Jimmy Henry says:

    Then what is Martha Robertson. As the candidate who hides from her former statements and votes on the issues and who refuses to speak with constituents and the media she is the definition of a ghost.


  6. whungerford says:

    Tom Reed’s record of failure speaks for itself.


  7. Jimmy Henry says:

    I do not know what record you speak of — because he certainly has increased spending or doubled taxes and unemployment like Martha Robertson has.


  8. Maddie Lane says:

    What’s that now? What record of failure? I’m happy to see people acknowledging him as a moderate republican.


  9. Maddie Lane says:

    and I do believe he likes to hunt and fish! Also, what do all of you think of the SAFE Act? Martha opposes the SAFE Act and yet we haven’t heard her stance on the Second Amendment? I do know she voted to ban rifle hunting. What do you all think of that? I would love to hear your thoughts because she tells people she’s PRO-GUN! Enlighten me.


  10. Deb Meeker says:

    I would love to enlighten you Maddie! I’m sorry you felt the need to block me, as I’m sure we could have reached common ground on at least one or two things.
    However, it also seems you are on a cooking experiment , what with throwing everything against the wall to see what might stick. And, since you live in Massachusetts ( no matter what your Facebook page may say now), perhaps you could enlighten all of us – as to why you are so intent on querying about the NY 23rd Congressional race? Also, would you now at least mind telling us how you personally know about Tom Reed is not a millionaire? Thanks so much.


  11. whungerford says:

    Jimmy, I think you typed that hastily, but I can guess what you meant. Here is an example of one time Tom voted for increased spending:


  12. Maddie Lane says:

    Sure, Deb. Love engaging with you at any cost. It’s called a financial disclosure report, ever heard of it? Every single one of my responses serves a purpose. To balance this site and every single commenter, particularly you. Happy to go toe-to-toe on anything in the books, but for now, you’ll have to stop spreading the lies that he is a millionaire.


  13. Maddie Lane says:

    Whungerford – not sure what you’re getting at there. What does Martha Robertson think of second amendment rights and the SAFE ACT?


  14. Anne says:

    Well, WaPo seems to be in on the “lie” as well: Reed’s estimated net worth is at 1.3 million.


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